Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reviewing the May/June 2010 Group Magazine

I've recently re-subscribed to Group Magazine, the current issue came yesterday afternoon.  Here's a brief review of the articles that will be making an impact on how we do things at Eastview:

Q & A with Doug Fields- Doug Fields was at Saddleback Church in SoCal.  
This month, Doug interviews Danette Matty, youth ministry volunteer for life.  She talks about relationships, intimacy with  Jesus and accountability as the big ricks of her involvement with student ministry over the years.  My favorite quote? "You've got to give people something worth committing to, something that's going to be a great use of their time." 

Voices, Mark DeVries- Mark is one of the guys that we've built a ton of our ministry on.  He's all about trying to get families involved. 
This month, his article is called "The Interim Way".  He seeks to make the point that any youth minister (or minister, for that matter), is in fact "interim".  There was someone before us, and someone coming after us.  He states that "Successful interims leave their ministries better than they found them."  We've worked and continue to work to equip those who serve to minister.  To find out how we're doing, why our volunteers serve, check out the sermon from this past was all about them.  Click here and listen to "Thank You".

Teenagers Top Needs, Rick Lawrence- Rick is the editor of Group Magazine.
This is actually part 2 of an article from the previous month.  Basically, they presented a few lists to the students attending Group's Workcamps (short-term service projects) last Summer, and now they're taking a look and the responses; they've also asked youth ministers to comment.  We'll be iusing this list soon, to help us with some curriculum ideas for the coming school year.

Voices-Smaller Church Youth Ministry, Stephanie Caro- Steph is a friend that I've gotten to know over the past view years through the Inside Track Team at Group's Youth Ministry Conference. 
Steph makes the point that an updated church leadership team is a "bought in" church leadership team.  While our weekly meetings are not simply reporting venues, there is a lot to be said about keeping my leaders in tune with my schedule and our activities.

The Maximized Senior Year, Tim Levert- Church Leader, Maryland.
This article really put some practical ideas about ministering to these students and their families.  Final semester weekly Bible study for students and parents, senior/parents only events, great ideas.  I've been thinking about this kind of thing for a year or two, and these were a few "do-able" things.  With several students beginning their senior year in September, this will be a great place to start.

The Magical Mystery Tour, Josh Jones- Youth Pastor, Colorado.
"The story of how one youth leader took nine senior highers, two adult volunteers and an intern on a week-long summer outreach odyssey--they had no schedule, no destination and no plan B."  Over the past few ministry team meetings, I've expressed frustration with our bi-annual conference program.  Josh and his group simply met, and left.  They trusted God.  They changed flat tires on the highway, worked at churches, helped in soup kitchens, and met needs.  Even he did not know where they were headed, they just went.  At the end of the article, he shared some of their planning, meal costs, had camping gear along, car maintenance tools, etc, along with a "What I'd Do Differently Next Time." section.  Great idea.  This will be in the agenda for discussion soon.