Because we want to be in relationship with students and their families, and because we want to be good stewards of the finances that we have been blessed with, our ministry team has created the following expectations and guidelines for scholarship availability. We would like for everyone who would like to participate in the activities we offer to be able to do so and will make every effort to help with all applications within our budget guidelines. The money awarded for scholarships will be based on the number of requests and the amount of funds available.
Scholarship Funding
Each year, usually in February, our ministry team hosts the Spaghetti Dinner/Dessert Auction/Talent Show. People from our church, students and families of our students prepare and bring desserts to be auctioned off in a silent auction during a spaghetti dinner prepared by parents and served by students. Following the meal and auction, there is a church wide talent show. The funds raised during the auction and the offering made for the meal go into our Student Ministry Scholarship Fund. From that point, students that have participated in this event (preparing a dessert for auction, helping serve, the talent show) may apply for scholarship funds to assist in paying for events. Additionally, students may earn funds out of this account (if available) when they participate in our Spring and Fall workday at North East Iowa Christian Service Camp. The vast majority of the funds in this account comes from this fundraiser. The rest comes from individual donations from people in our congregation.
General Scholarship Expectations
Because we value relationship, Students requesting scholarship assistance must regularly and consistently participate in fundraising opportunities both before and after the trip/event for which the money is requested. Students who do not participate in fundraisers after events may be denied scholarship assistance for future trips and events. Additionally, students that do not work during the different events to earn money may not receive scholarship funds. Finally, students requesting scholarship assistance must be regularly and consistently involved in Eastview Student Ministry activities. We define regular and consistent as greater than 75% attendance (youth group, E-KLUB, Sunday Worship, etc). We also have other opportunities for relationship building: LIFE Groups, Sunday service, All-Church Retreat, Harvest Party, Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations and other events designed to build relationship. We strongly encourage participation in these events.
Because we value stewardship, family/parent/student participation in the annual Spaghetti Dinner/Dessert Auction/Talent Show is expected. We ask that each family attend the dinner and talent show, and provide a dessert that will be auctioned off. All proceeds will go to Eastview Christian Church’s Student Ministry Scholarship Fund. Those in need of scholarship assistance will be asked to complete a scholarship form and complete it in a timely manner- by any "early-bird" due dates. Should a request form be turned in after the "early-bird" date, only the original maximum request may be requested, with any late payment or other charge to be paid by the family. As always, funds are limited by what our account holds. We will do our best to meet demand, so it is always best to get requests for funds in early.
Miscellaneous Guidelines
Scholarship money CANNOT be used for deposits. Should there be an issue with a deposit, please speak with the youth minister at least one week PRIOR to any due dates.
Scholarships should be requested only if a legitimate financial need exists.
Scholarships are for the applicant only. If you have more than one child participating in an event, each child must have a separate application.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these guidelines, if you need a form, please contact the church office (319-393-9570) and speak with John Mulholland.
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