High School Youth Group--March 21, 2010
Topic: The second week of discussion of the book, Dateable: Are You? Are They? has been awesome. Our students are learning about relationships, character and recognizing lies that have been told to them, their friends, themselves and even those they may have done to others. We talked about how our actions are important and what our actions say about us and how they make others feel. How if their friends ask them to lie for them, they will lie to them. It's great seeing our students talk honestly, openly and looking at their own relationships and expectations.
Take away: We need to be truth-tellers and truth-hearers in our relationships with others.
Next week: We continue this study next week with talking about their appearances, revealing clothes and physical boundaries.
A quick reminder....we will not be having Youth Group April 4th Easter Sunday. We want the kids to enjoy that celebration time with their families.
Middle School Youth Group--March 24, 2010
Topic: We talked about our need to trust God when He tells us to do things. We talked about the example of Jonah, found in Jonah 1.
Take Away: God wants us to be obedient to Him. As He asks us to do things, and we do them, we learn that He is trustworthy. We cannot simply say that we love Him with words and then not do what He asks.
Next Week: We'll be talking about Jesus' desire to heal us, using several stories of Him casting out demons.