D-Group got its start in November of 2005, I had just come to Eastview, and on Sunday nights, I'd meet with 3-5 students and we would discuss questions like:
- When you hear the word "Christian", what comes to mind?
- Describe a time when God has worked in your life/
- What is worship?
Well...now it's back. Beginning Sunday, September 18, from 4-5:30 (before HS youth group), we will be reading, studying and discussing the book Radical by David Platt. A few things that parents and students need to know about D-Group:
- Those attending will get out of it what they put into it.
- Students are expected to read a chapter per week and memorize Scripture.
- Students are expected to have read the material and be ready to discuss it.
- Students who choose to skip reading or preparation will at some point be asked to stop coming. Why? Because we are reading a book together and for those that don't read the book, attendance would be somewhat pointless. Also, for the kids that are doing the work, they tend to get frustrated with those that do not.
- The cost of the book and material is $15/student.
- D-Group is for kids that want to be challenged and stretched in their faith in an environment that is designed and organized around that single goal. We have fun, but it's not "let's play a game fun." It's fun because we have time to go deep.
As always, we'd love your feedback! Please comment below or shoot me an email I'd love to hear from you!