Monday, June 2, 2008

Eastview Parent's Weekly, June 1-7

There are some exciting things taking place in the coming weeks!

First, this week is our promotion week...we had 2 high school seniors graduate, and are welcoming in 5 new 6th graders!

Second, we have had enough donations to purchase a church van. This will make a HUGE difference in our ability to bring kids to Eastview, both Wednesday nights and on Sundays. A big thank you to all who donated.

Third...Mission Kansas is less than 4 weeks away. Transportation plans are being finalized...devo’s being written, food prep being done...please pray for those going on this trip: Derek Lochner, Katie Fortner, Kyle Hoback, Jordan Linhoss, Evan Linhoss, Beth Frederick, Brittany Kiley, Nathan Mulholland, Katie Mulholland, Larissa Bisig, Ben Bradshaw, Merle & EJ Stone, Anne and I, and John 3.

Fourth...Mission Mexico is only...6 weeks away. We have 2 more trip meetings scheduled (June 22 and July 12). Please pray for those goingg on this trip as well: Nathan Mulholland, Katie Mulholland, Dillon Bisig, Kassi Hoback, Breanna Smith, Nickie Smith, Samantha Holley, Jenai Holley, Adam Bates, Ben Bradshaw, Merle and EJ Stone, Laurie Thomas, Josh Davis and myself.

Not to mention camps, youth group, Sunday school and d-groups...


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