Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Youth Culture Watch

I heard the song, "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry last week, and was quite disturbed by it. Today, I received a "Culture Update" from CPYU, The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding about the song and video. First, the video...

I recommend reading the "3D Evaluation" of this song and video at Walt Mueller's website, found here.

Finally, go to the MTV link where people can leave comments about the video. Here are some sample comments...

"You never really know if you are straight or gay unless you try with both genders."

"I love it!!! I think every girl at some point in their life "kissed a girl" "just to try it" :-)"

"About time American publicizes girls that swing towards boys but are fully capable of enjoying their gfs on occasion :)"

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