Monday, March 30, 2009

Eastview Parent Weekly, March 29-April 4

Well, I guess winter is not done with us yet! I actually went into the ditch Saturday night coming home from a friends house, the tow truck was out and everything. Here are some updates:

Kansas Mission Trip
It looks like this will be a smaller trip than originally envisioned, which is great. If you were unable to attend our meeting this past Saturday, please contact me by THIS Wednesday, so I can arrange to meet with you and your students to discuss the trip personally. I’m contacting Morning Star Ranch to talk about work projects for our group, and would like to have a head count by mid-April.

Wednesday Youth Group
This week will be our final week from 1 Timothy 4:12. Beginning next Wednesday, we’ll begin “Worthless”, our study on the the book of Ecclesiastes. The Ecclesiastes study will take us through the end of May. Our final “official” youth group for this school year will be June 10. We have a summer calendar full of camps and trips; there will also be a few “casual” events that may happen as well. We’ll let you know when they’re coming up!

April 29th Parent’s Night
Please join us on April 29th! This will also be the night that our 5th graders are promoted into youth group. We’ll be contacting you over the next few weeks so we have all the food that we need. We hope that you will come and see what goes on at Eastview on Wednesday nights.

A few other things:
Because we have summer events scheduled that cost money, we seek to provide fundraising opportunities for our students. We’ve tried a number of different things in the past, from car washes to bake sales. We have found that while there are many fundraisers out there, many simply do not make sense compared to the work put into them. We have reduced our fundraisers to 2 (two) main ones: 1-we clean at the Kernels Stadium throughout the summer, and 2-our Fall spaghetti dinner/dessert auction/talent show. We may do a few other “small” ones as well, these require a few students and usually are on short notice-yard raking/cleaning, spring cleaning at the homes of people in our church, etc. It’s important for our students to understand that our fundraisers are WORK. We certainly have fun while working, but we are working.

Kernels Stadium: As long as we have 10-15 students and adults who are willing to work HARD...this should take an hour and a half at the most. Here’s the schedule for our upcoming Kernels clean-up days and when we need to be there:
Friday, April 10 by 9:30pm
Saturday, April 11 by 5:00pm
Friday May 1 by 3:00pm
Saturday May 2 by 9:30pm
Friday May 15 by 9:30pm
Friday May 22 by 9:30pm

We do have a scholarship fund! Due to the number of MAJOR activities planned for the summer, please get your applications in EARLY. That way, we know what our needs will be. Please check out the form and policy over to the right. Here are the due dates for scholarship requests for our summer activities:
Event: Applications due by:
Middle School Camp Week #1 April 19th
Kansas Mission Trip May 3rd
High School Camp Week May 10th
Middle School Camp Week #2 May 17th
CIY Summer Conference June 1st

Please be on the look out for the April Parent letter, coming home this Wednesday night!

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 25 Youth Group Recap

Drop Dead

Teaching Series
Set an example...

Set an example with your PURITY

Key Verse:
1 Timothy 4:12

22-88% of same week last year, With Spring Break week, many kids are going to their "other" families.

Main Group Testimony:
Nicole smith, one of our graduating seniors, gave the main group talk. Not only did she talk about sexual purity, but purity of thoughts, actions, motivations, words. She did a great job.

Small Group Time:
The girls small group followed up with Nicole. They talked a lot about modesty.
During the guy's small group time, we watched a video on dealing with sexual temptation, talked about pornography and God's plan for sexuality.

Closing Challenge:
In the guy's small group, I challenged the guys that if they were struggling with pornography that they needed to get into an accountability relationship with someone who can encourage them.

Questions You Can Ask:
What does purity mean to you?
Discuss the following thought: Instead of asking "How far can we go?", what if we asked "How pure can we be?"

Coming up next:
Sunday School (March 29)
Youth Group (April 1): 1 Timothy 4:12- Why should we set an example?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I know that many of your kids are into the Twilight book series, and now, the DVD which just came out. The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding just released their "3D Review" of the movie. this allows you to "Discover the Worldview", "Discern it in the Light of Scripture" and "Decide What to Do With It".

You can get it here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Eastview Parent Weekly, March 22-28

Dear Parents,

Here are some important dates that you should be aware of...

March 28th (this Saturday) 10am-Noon
  • Kansas Mission Trip meeting for students and their parents
  • This for those entering grades 6-9 for the 2009-2010 school year
  • You can see a recap video of last years trip here.

April 10 & 11 9:30-11:30pm
  • Kernels Stadium Fundraiser
  • We need 10-15 students and adults to clean quickly and thoroughly

April 22nd
  • $50 CIY Summer Conference Deposit and Registration Forms due
  • This is for students entering grades 9-12 for the 2009-2010 school year and 2009 graduates
  • Registration Forms are up. Just click on the link to the right

April 24th-25th
  • 30 Hour Famine
  • Details at the right

April 29th
  • $35 Kansas Mission Trip Deposit and Registrations Forms due for early-bird trip cost of $150
  • From April 30-May 20 the trip cost is $200/student
  • Students wishing to use scholarship funds MUST register by the early-bird date

Summer camp dates and cost

Date By June 1st cost After June 1st
June 14-19 6th-8th Grade #1 $155 $180
(I am at this camp week)

June 21-24 4th-5th Grade $95 $120
June 26-27 2nd-3rd Grade $35 $45
(Parent goes with child)
July 5-11 High School $185 $210
(I am at this camp week)

July 12-17 6th-8th Grade #2 $155 $180
July 19-23 5th-6th Grade Camp $125 $150

As above, students wishing to use scholarship funds must register by the early-bird (June 1st) date. I’ll post the registration form on the website as soon as I get them from camp.

Be sure to check our parent’s website for frequent lesson updates, as well as all the forms, registration sheets, pictures that you can handle!

Have a great week!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 18 Youth Group Recap

6-base kick ball

Teaching Series
Set an example...

Set an example with your FAITH

Key Verse:
1 Timothy 4:12

22-91% of same week last yaer

Main Group Testimony:
We interviewed two of our graduation seniors- Kassi Hoback and Samantha Holley. They talked about their experiences in youth group over the past 6 years. They shared how their ideas of faith have changed in those years, as well as what they wish they had done differently.

Small Group Time:
The girls small group talked about Hebrews, chapter 11
During the guy's small group time, we also talked about Hebrews 11. We also discussed Hebrews 12:1; focusing on how we can grow in our faith.

Closing Challenge:
In the guy's small group, I asked them what were the things that were hindering and entangling them in their growth. We talked about ways to cast those things off and persevere in our relationship with God.

Questions You Can Ask:
What does "faith" mean to you?
What are the things that are in the way of growth?

Coming up next:
Sunday School (March 22)
Youth Group (March 25): Set an example in your Purity-One of our seniors, Nicole Smith, will be giving the large group testimonial for this topic.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Parent Letter, March 9

Here are the upcoming events you need to know about:

Our upcoming Kansas Trip is for middle school students. This means students entering grades 6-9 for the 2009-2010 school year. There are all sorts of details available on the right. Just click on the “Mission: Kansas 2009” link. Please note that for those students interested, we are having a mandatory meeting on March 28th, from 10am-noon for this trip. We’ll be recapping details, answering questions, etc. Please plan on attending if your student wants to go. I am looking for an adult to go along as a cook for the week, and at least one female adult sponsor. If you’re interested, please contact me right away.

This year’s 30 Hour Famine event is planned for April 24 and 25. This year, we’ll be focusing on homelessness in the United States, and money raised will be given to a local charity that ministers to these folks here in Cedar Rapids. While a few minor details are still being worked out, look to the right and click on the “30 Hour Famine” link for an event overview, schedule and some expectations. We’d love to see some of you participate in this event with us. If you would like to join us, we’re asking that you join us at our ministry team meeting on April 19th following our weekly worship service so we can go over your role in this event.

Parent Night at Eastview
On Wednesday, April 29th we’re asking that you join us for parent’s night. We’d like for you to have dinner with us, participate in our group game time and sit in on our main group devotional. After the kids are dismissed for their small groups, I’ll take some time for some questions and answers from you, and talk about our ministry. This will also be our 5th grade “preview” night. Our 5th graders will be introduced into our youth group and their parents will join us as well. We hope you’ll come.

Our first 2 Kernel’s fundraisers are right around the corner (April 10/11). We have many things coming up this summer, these are a GREAT way for your students to earn money to pay for them.

Youth Scholarship Fund:
While we have a scholarship fund, please keep a few things in mind:
  • scholarship money can be used for one event per year
  • middle school students could apply for funds for EITHER the Kansas trip OR Camp, but not both
  • High school students could apply for funds for EITHER CIY Summer Conference OR Camp, but not both
  • Students receiving scholarship funds must be involved in fundraising events.
You can download the scholarship application form on the right. Click the “Scholarship Application” link.

Dates you need to be aware of:
March 28th- Meeting for Kansas Mission Trip
April 19th- Scholarship applications for middle school camp week due
April 22nd- $50 deposit due for CIY Summer Conference
April 29th- $35 deposit due for Kansas Mission Trip
May 3rd- Scholarship applications for high school camp week due
May 31st- Scholarship applications for CIY Summer Conference due

Have a Great Week!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 11 Youth Group Follow-up

Teaching Series:
Set an example...

Set an example with your LOVE

Key Verse:
1 Timothy 4:12

31, +55% over same week last year

Main Group Testimony:
Samantha Holley (one of our seniors) gave the main group testimony. She spoke about her own discovery that God loved her over the past few years, and what that meant. She shared that the Greek word we define simply as "love" used in this verse was agape and it means "an active love from God towards His Son and His people, and our active love for God, His people and our enemies". Some of the guys in our group had some issues with respecting Samantha as she spoke (see below).

Small Group Time:
The girls small group followed up on Samantha's testimony.
During the guy's small group time, we talked about respect and why it was important. We talked about God's love and how He demonstrated it by sending His Son to pay for our sin. We talked about how, if we love one another, we'll respect one another.

Closing Challenge:
In the guy's small group, we have some students whose spiritual growth is being hindered by the disrespect of others, and I let those hindering students know that if they were not interested in coming on Wednesday nights, that they were not required to be there.

Questions You Can Ask:
How does God show love for you?
How can you be an example in your love towards other people?

Coming up next:
Sunday School (March 22)
Youth Group (March 18): Set an example in your Faith-We'll be interviewing some of our seniors who will talk about how their faith has grown and changed over their years in youth group.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How hard are you trying?

I just read this article from Real World Parents by Youth Specialties. It’s awesome!

Title: Trying Harder

“Is it possible that some of us have taken some of the challenge out of following Jesus for our kids? Have we described a relationship with God that is too easy, that only requires students to talk the talk and stay out of serious trouble? Is there value in setting the bar higher for our kids (and ourselves) and then making sure they notice the sweat involved in running after Jesus?

This last week, your teen’s world may have been full of basketball or other sports; thousands(!) of texts, Facebook messages, and Twitter updates; watching (or being curious about) all that sex, hype, and violence in “The Watchmen;” 30 - 40 hours of school and studying; and maybe 3 hours at church.

Where did working at following Jesus fit into that mix? ”

You can read the rest of the article here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Eastview Parent Weekly, March 8-14, 2009

Here’s the happenings:

Wednesday Night Lesson Plan:
March 11 1 Timothy 4:12- Love (Testimony-Samantha Holley)
March 18 1 Timothy 4:12- Faith (Testimony- To be determined)
March 25 1 Timothy 4:12- Purity (Testimony-Nickie Smith)
April 1 1 Timothy 4:12 What’s the point?
April-May Book of Ecclesiastes What does a life without God look like?

March 22
D-group Retreat permission slip and $20 deposit is due

March 28 10am-noon
Meeting for parents and students for the middle school Kansas Mission Trip coming up at the end of June

Coming in April
Kernel Stadium Fundraiser nights
April 10 & 11
30 Hour Famine
April 24-25
Emphasis on Urban Ministry
More details coming next week
Parent’s Night/5th Grade orientation
we’ll be coordinating with Children’s Ministry for a parent night in April. On the same night, we’ll have the 5th graders up for an orientation time.
This will be a time for you to come, eat with your kids, experience our game time and then our large group teaching time. After our kids are dismissed to their small groups, there will be a time for parents and myself to meet and talk about our ministry and church programming and answer any questions. I’ll have a date for this in next week’s email.

I’m still interested in your feedback about our Student Ministry. Here are the questions that I asked:

How can the youth ministry support you and your family better?
What, in your opinion, are we doing well?
What, in your opinion, could we work on?

You can respond to me personally by replying to this email, or anonymously at our Parent Website: .

Speaking of our website, each Thursday, we’ll post a recap of our Wednesday night service there, along with a follow-up question or 2 for you to ask your students about.

I hope that you have a great week!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Your feedback and thoughts requested

I was wondering if you would respond to a few questions. I’ll post responses to any questions or concerns that come up over the coming weeks on this blog.

You can either send me an email (, or comment below. You may even answer anonymously, if you desire.

How can the youth ministry support you and your family better?
What, in your opinion, are we doing well?
What, in your opinion, could we work on?

Your honesty is appreciated.

I will randomly draw a name (if provided) from all responses and the winner will receive a copy of the book “Disconnected: Parenting Teens in a MySpace World” by Chap and Dee Clark.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 4 Youth Group Review

Teaching Series:
Set an example...

Set an example with your LIFE (behavior)

Key Verse:
1 Timothy 4:12

29, + 20% over same week last year

Main Group time:
We shared announcements about our summer trips, and encouraged the kids to get their March letters home to you (did you get it?) If not, click here.
We talked about why we were doing this message series, and I (John Mulholland) gave the big group message.

Small Groups:
We focused in our small groups on a several verses: Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 14:25-27 and John 10:7-10.

Closing Challenge:
The kids were challenged to be example to their younger siblings specifically, and to other people in general.

Questions you can ask:
How have you been an example to your younger brother/sister today?
How can I (the parent) be a better example to you?

Coming up next:
Sunday School (March 8)
Youth Group (March 11): Set an example in your Love-Samantha Holley will be leading our big group teaching next week.