Friday, July 18, 2008

Travel Day 2-Kansas City to Houston to McAllen to SLP


I cannot get yesterday's video to compresse properly, so there will not be a video recap today...sorry!

We made it here safely last night. There are some new photos here.

I'll try to post a video update later in the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Let the Glory of the Lord rise among you; let the glory of the Lord rise among you; let the praises of our King rise among you, let it rise..."
Your team has the prayers and attention of all Nic and Brea's grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and lots of friends! they are tuning in daily to watch "Whats Happening In Mexico" on this site! Matthew(3)and Nathan(1)danced to yesterdays video, and Spencer(2) repeated "Glory" several times! even the little ones sense Gods presence amongst you! Blessings to you all! Love to all "our" kids!
p.s. Nic - I was going to surprise you, so i chilled your 2 juices w/ your waters, & had doritoes & (Brea)chips ahoy to share on the way....well, surprise! we are enjoying the juices, chips, and cookies 'cause I forgot them all (sorry). Tillie esp. enjoyed the cookies & she's fine! Luv ya girls:)